1. Drill exercises to "practice, practice, practice" each concept.
This cements a learner's basic arithmetic skills, full stop.
2. Questions accompanied by pictures to build a solid foundation.
This assists learners who learn visually and develops the skill to form and build a picture/story for the problem to be solved.

3. Step-by-step examples, with pictures, followed by similar exercises to practice.
This builds understanding and confidence, before more "tricky" questions are introduced.

4. "Hands-on" exercises where learners draw, circle and shade.
This breaks the monotony of "drill exercises" and helps learners who learn visually.

5. Detailed, yet simple, visuals and explanations.
This provides all the information needed to understand and master the concept, and helps learners who learn visually.

6. Mathematically sound (and age-appropriate) methods.
Learners learn"how" to write out their answers and "why" it is done so.
7. Challenging problem solving questions, with "help" where needed.
This develops problem solving skills, without harming confidence.

8. Revision and mixed questions.
This tests knowledge and skills in a "friendly" format.

9. Complete Answer Books available.
Every Answer is given, with with steps!
Hardcopy is R90 per Grade, exclusind delivery.
PDF version is R35. It has a light watermark over each page.

Click on this icon to shop Answer Books now!
We believe that ALL children can excel in Maths!
One happy Moms was kind enough to share feedback with us after Term 2:
"Anna... my son in Gr 5 has been using your Play Maths workbook EXCLUSIVELY to study for his June exams and Term 2 class tests.. and he has improved by 25% in his overall average...what a fantastic product!!! Thank you sooo much!"
And again after Term 3:
"Hi .. Just an update .. Joshua received his Term 3 math mark today ...86% .. this is an improvement of 30% from Term 1 .. using your Gr 5 book EXCLUSIVELY! ! Thank you. . Your product has changed him from being afraid of math to being confident and successful at math.. !!"
As Nelson Mandela says, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
We are absolutely dedicated to helping as many South African learners reach their full potential and be “confident and successful at math” and in life in general.